In this article we zoom in on idea validation (stakeholder review) using selection as last step in the decision making process. Selection Missions can be used to validate and prioritise a set of ideas. What you need: as set of ideas, a stakeholder group and a couple of criteria's. Output: All the ideas are scored by participating users based on the set of criteria's. So, the result is an ordered and prioritised list of ideas with user scores. Now you know what ideas are the best ideas to start with.
There are three types of "reviewing & scoring" ideas
- Peer review (idea generation): This is the first gate in the decision making process and mostly done during idea generation phase. Peer review is very useful to pre-filter a long list of ideas during or after a mission. Users (peers) are adding feedback, scores and likes to ideas whilst participating in a particular mission.
(AM tools: ideation, boards, idea box) (read more about peer review)
- Expert review (idea management): When a mission is complete, Admin users (experts) can view all collected ideas and add expert scores (Overall rate, star rating, impact, investment scores) to choose which best "peer reviewed" ideas should will be put on short list to be further analysed, investigated and validated as potential innovation project. (AM tools: Ideas, idea box, ideation) (read more about peer review)
- Stakeholder review (selection): Final gate in decision making process is done by a stakeholder group (management, clients or partners) to validate a set of very good ideas and to prioritise & select best voted ideas as your next innovation project. (AM tools: selection)
Stakeholder review:
User case: Innovation Board or end users
As Innovation manager you've captured quite a lot of ideas in the past months and have had many peers and experts give their preferences, scores, likes and overall feedback and comments (peer review + expert review gate). Now you want to select only the best ideas to start as innovation project. But to select the best ideas you want to engage a stakeholder group (a jury of CEO's, management, investors, business line managers, partners, clients etc) who should have a final call on those ideas. You want to know which idea should get the highest priority to start as new innovation project. Here comes our tool "selection" to play.
With selection you can select a number of ideas, set your own criteria's and invite a focus group (i.e. board of directors, co-workers or a specific client ) to give their opinion and validate which ideas should get the highest priority. When the selection mission is complete, our selection dashboard gives you a detailed list of the top voted ideas with the highest score / impact / rating / priority .
1. Mission List view: Start a Selection mission
The list view is showing all selection missions (active, inactive) for your company.
To start a new selection mission you click on the Selection Icon in the menu of Accept Mission followed by pressing the button [ start new selection ]. You are being directed to the Selection Settings page.
2. Settings: build a new mission from scratch
After clicking on the button [start new selection] you are now in Selection "Settings". Here you see 4 tabs { General } { Ideas } { Agents } { Criteria } . You need to fill in these 4 steps in order to "publish" the mission and set the mission to "Live". If you need to adjust your settings at later stage, you can take the mission offline in the mission list view by using the slider "Live/Offline"
2.1 Settings: TAB: General
With general settings you fill in basic mission details.
Mandatory fields are:
"Title" of the mission
"Discription" or mission briefing including objective, explanation why and what to do etc.
choose user "Access" (private, open). set to "private" means that this mission is only available to users (agents) who are invited. "Open" means that this mission is available to all users belong to that company. Default is set to private
User profile (Undercover, real identity), default is set to real identity
Mission "deadline", is a "date + time" when the invited users should give their validation
"Upload an image" to give the mission a visual image.
2.2. Settings: TAB: Ideas
In the settings tab "ideas" you can search and select a number of ideas you want to validate in this selection mission. By clicking on [ assign Ideas ] a pop up window appears and showing you all the ideas that have been captured in "all inboxes" belonging to your company. You can filter and search for ideas in specific inboxes by using the "inbox filter" drop down. Click on the checkbox to select one or more ideas, followed by pressing [ Assign Ideas ] . Now these ideas are assigned to this selection mission.
2.3 Settings: TAB: Criteria
With criterias you create a set of rules. These rules contain a text value "label" and a number value or score "weight". To create a new rule click on the "+" . Now a pop up window appears "create new criteria".
Choose a type of Criteria. There are four types
- Star rating : Rate an idea with 1 to 5 stars
- Low / medium / high : three buttons to measure "Impact" on customers
- Multiple choice: create 2 or more categories and the agent can only choose just 1 category. No scores (weight) are given with multiple choice.
- Custom : Create your own criteria by filling in "Label" + "weight"
Give the criteria a "Title" and "Discription". When you create a set of criteria, you see the "Total max Criteria value" increasing. This is the maximum score that any idea can receive from the focus group.
The target score amount is set to 60% (default) of total max criteria value, and is to provides an indication if any idea has met this target score.
2.4 Settings: TAB: Agents
in this last Tab Agents, you can invite users to review the selected ideas by giving score using the set of criteria. You can add users manually or import via csv. Also you can edit the default invitation text in the invitation "Discription" box. The invited will get an email in their inbox with the text from the discription box. In the agents listview you can see how many agents already started reviewing ideas based on their status. (pending = invitation send not accepted, Accepted = user accepted invitation, declined, = user decided to not participate)
3. Settings: "Publish" the selection Mission
You can only publish the mission when all the 4 tabs are filled in. To activate the Publish button, you need to first save all settings. Now the publish icon will become GREEN. If you press "Publish" the selection mission will go live and the selected users with receive an invitation via email to join this selection mission.
3.1 Selection mission is LIVE
Now the stakeholders will receive an invitation to validate the assigned ideas based on your set of criteria.
4. Dashboard: Mission results
by clicking on the Dashboard icon you go to mission results. Here you can see all the statistics of the current selection mission. In this overview you can see the number of Agents invited, agents accepted, how many ideas to review and mission progress. Also you can see what are the TOP 5 best rated ideas based on all reviews given by all users.
"Avg score" is the average idea score provided by all users
"Min Score" is the lowest given score by any user
"Max score" is the highest givens core by any user
"Target score" is 60% of "Total max Criteria value"
"Accepted score" is when Avg Score is equal or higher than Target score
4.1 Dashboard: Download results
In Dashboard you can [ download ] the results. You get an XLS file with all individual scores for all ideas given by all agents to further analyse and processing.
Go check our Video Tutorial:
How to use Selection in Accept Mission - Idea Management Platform