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5 Tips to stimulate engagement

In this article we share 5 top tips to stimulate mission engagement and increase value output

Updated over a week ago

1. Pre-invite: Announce a new mission via corporate channels

One of our top tips to increase mission participation is to announce a new mission, challenge or campaign via several corporate communication (intranet, email, teams, whatsapp etc) to your participants. Preferably a couple (3 to 5) of working days before mission invite is send out from Accept Mission platform ([email protected]). This way the participants will be notified early and will expect the mission invitation. This will ultimately increase the participation rate for each mission.

2. Write a campaign script with clear question (problem/issue/challenge), instructions & objectives

We advise innovators to set a clear mission goal: What do you want to achieve with this mission? How are the participant (invitees) going to contribute to this goal?


Choose a good Mission title + upload an image that people recognise:
'New Product for Department ABC'

Description with mission goals and objectives:
'We want to select 3 ideas for Department ABC to consider as potential new product.

Clear Instructions how to achieve this goal:
'We ask everyone to give at least 3 of their best product ideas. The owner of the best voted idea will receive a bottle of wine'

image of idea box description:

3. Create a rhythm: Reserve specific timeslots in people's calendars for missions

We often hear the following comments: "I am very busy" ,"I can't find the time to participate", "I get so many mission invitations", or "this mission comes on top of my already high workload".

If you (the mission manager) want to have a high participation and output in your missions (or challenges), it is a very smart thing to create a rhythm by reserving time in the participant's calendar. For instance every week 15 to 45 minutes at same time to dedicate to "Innovation" (i.e sharing ideas, reviewing ideas or participate in brainstorm). This way the participant will be notified about upcoming "Innovation time" To block people's calender you can use the term "INNOVATION" or "MISSION TITLE" .

4. Tag users in comment section with @mentions

Another way to stimulate engagement to a mission or particular idea card is to tag users with "@" in the comment section with of an idea. The agent will then receive a notification email with a direct link to the mission or idea card.

@Peterscheffers take a look at this idea. What are your thoughts?

5. Share monthly status reports and promote good behaviour

Promote participation and outcome by regularly sharing mission updates / reports during teammeetings, via email or other corporate channels. For instance mention the top 5 agents with the highest contribution to a brainstorm or share the top 3 ideas that received the most likes from others. This way you acknowledge the efforts of the participants and they feel appreciated for their input. Another benefit is that you create innovation ambassadors and a positive vibe around participation. In the general dashboard or in the different tools you can find all sorts of statistics.

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