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Home of Accept Mission
Updated over a week ago

The home of Accept Mission is the /home page and is the landing page for Normal users. Users with any Admin role will normally land in the Admin studio. On the Home page users can see the Company branding, introduction text, header, etc. And of course from here users will see what mission they can participate in, what selections they can participate in, what projects they are connected with, and what the trending topics are.

Company Header

This is the general introduction to innovation for your company. You can change all elements here by using the [ EDIT ] button. This will lead you to the company settings. You can change:

  • Header image (upload image and adjust)

  • Title and subtitle

  • Owner and Quote of owner

  • Introduction text

  • All text colors and backdrops

  • Show / hide: company goals, missions, selections, ideas, projects, topics


All users will see all missions they have access to. A mission is a campaign to collect ideas for. A mission can have a deadline or unlimited time to be open. The Admin defines per mission who has access to this mission and for how long. Users will only see missions that are accessible for them.


All users can see the selections that are open for them. A selection is a mission to score ideas. Admins can start a selection mission to score a subset of ideas in a groups decision-making process. Every user scores the subset of ideas based on predefined criteria by the Admin. Based on all the scores of all participants of the selection mission the end result can be defined.

Note: if there are no open selection missions then this row will not present itself.


All users will see the ideas they have added to the platform OR see the ideas they have been connected to as a team member. Users can see the status, update the idea etc.


All users will see the projects they have added to the platform OR see the ideas they have been connected to as a team member. Users can see the status, update the project etc.

Trending topics

The top 30 trending topics are presented here. Topics are tags that can be connected with ideas or projects. But also skills that are connected to users. Clicking on a topic will bring you to the topics page where you see connected, ideas, projects and people.

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