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The Innovation Studio
Updated over a week ago

The 'Innovation Studio' (previously called Admin Studio) contains all the tools for innovators. All innovators should be assigned to one of the Admin roles. After logging in as an Admin you always land in the Admin Studio. This is comparison of a normal user who lands always in the Innovation Portal (previous called Home).

How to get to the Innovation Studio?

  • You need to be an Admin. If the steps below are not working for you you are not an Admin. Contact your internal contact person.

  • Use this link: Innovation Studio

  • Go the the Innovation Portal and in the Header you can find the INNOVATION STUDIO link

  • Go to the top right corner and click on your name. There you see the Innovation Studio in the drop-down menu.

Innovation Studio

The Admin Studio contains many tools you can use. The landing page of the Admin Studio explains a lot of what you can find where. There are 3 important areas:

Innovation Studio tools

You can find these tools on the left side in the Admin Studio Side bar.:

  • Dashboard

  • Ideas

  • Missions

  • Selection

  • Projects

  • Canvases

  • Funnels

  • People

  • Settings

  • Support

  • Etc

Innovation Studio Settings

The settings contain all kinds of valuable tools to configure the application. You can always find the settings here: Innovation Studio Settings

Or follow the link in the Admins Studio Sidebar: Settings or in the top right corner in the main menu drop-down menu when you click on your name.

  • Company settings

  • User & Group management

  • Branding

  • Security

  • Custom Domain

  • Funnel Management (ideas / projects)

  • Company Score management

  • Custom fields

  • Tag Management

  • Manage Subscription

Innovation Studio Support

You are currently reading this article on the support site. The link is always on the left side in the Innovation Studio sidebar.

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