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Introduction Idea box (Mission)

The central idea box for your company

Updated over 6 months ago

The Company Idea box is the central place in the Innovation Portal to add ideas unrelated to any campaign. This feature helps in collecting ideas that any user spontaneously creates. You can find the Company Idea box (when activated) in the Innovation Portal. Here you will see the ADD IDEA button on top of the page. You will also find this option in the user menu in the top right corner. Also, you will find this ADD IDEA button in the Department, Category, and Topic landing pages.

Video explaination

Spontaneously vs Campaign

Spontaneous ideas are those that arise from your own creativity, curiosity, or observation of a problem or opportunity. They are not a result of a campaign linked to a specific topic or challenge and can be submitted anytime. Spontaneous ideas can cover various domains, such as new products, services, processes, markets, or social impact.

A campaign is a structured process for generating and evaluating ideas on a specific theme or problem. Sometimes called a challenge or mission, a campaign has a clear deadline and criteria for selecting the best ideas. Campaign ideas are focused on a particular area of interest, such as customer satisfaction, sustainability, or digital transformation.

How to set up or manage the Company Idea box

  1. Go to the Innovation Studio

  1. There you go to Missions --> Company idea box

Manage General settings

Here you can manage all configuration for the Company Idea Box.

  • Turn On/Off this feature. This will have direct impact on the below pages to show hide the ADD IDEA button:

  • Innovation Portal

  • Department landing pages

  • Category landing pages

  • Topic/trend landing pages

  • You configure in what funnel the ideas added via this feature are dropped into.

  • Manage the option if you want people can upload files / link files to the idea.

  • Mange the option you want so that other users can comment on the idea.

Manage the Form configuration

You have full control over the Form to collect ideas. Standard the following fields are presented: Image, Toolbar, Title, Description, Tags, Department, Categories.

You can decide to add new fields to the form. Simply click add field to add a new field to the form. New fields need to be created first as a custom field to be able to add to a form.

Manage custom fields: Innovation Studio > Settings > Custom fields

Other actions you can perform in the form are:

  • Reorder the fields in the form

  • Make fields required to fill in

  • Remove fields

Manage the Integrations

You can integrate this feature with mail and Teams.

Email integration:

After enabling this feature,, a unique email address will be generated that you can use to send emails. All emails sent to this address will be checked for security and formatting rules.

  • The Sender address (FROM) will be used as the submitter of the idea.

  • The SUBJECT of the mail will be used as the Title of the idea

  • The BODY of the mail will be used as Description of the mail

  • All files as attachments of the mail will be connected as files for the idea

  • The first image as an attachment of the mail will be used as the idea image

After submitting an idea via email, the Sender will always receive a notification. The sender will receive a notification even if something is wrong with the formatting or security.

Tip: You can create a contact person connected to this email address to make it easy for people to find the right ‘name’ to submit ideas.

Security: From security, the system will ONLY allow valid users of the company to submit ideas. If the person (sender) is not a company user (in the software), the idea creation will be blocked because of security rules.

Teams integration:

You can integrate the submit idea page with the teams with the link generated.

Tip: There is a separate Teams app that you can install and use.

Submit notification

You can configure a message to be shared with the idea submitter directly after submitting an idea. This can be to say thank you or, for example, to explain what will happen after submitting and manage expectations. Always keep these messages positive and brief.

  • You can configure whether you want to use this message after submitting and where you want to show it (browser and/or mail).

  • Finally, you can configure the message that will be presented.


As a nice gesture, you can show confetti when new ideas are submitted. You can disable this feature, and if enabled, you can choose the right celebration type, such as fireworks or stars. Use the Preview button to see what each type will do.

Tip: It has been proven that companies will generate 5-10% more ideas when using these gamification features.

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