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How to – Prepare for a successful Mission

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Updated over a week ago

How do you organise an effective and successful brainstorm in Accept Mission? 

Brainstorming is an effective and fun way of generating new ideas and insights. But not every brainstorm is successful. That’s why I want to give you a few tips and conditions to brainstorm effectively and successful in Accept Mission. 

STEP 1: Find a good goal to brainstorm.

Find a good goal. Ask yourself: ‘What do I want to solve?’ and ‘what am I expecting to collect from this brainstorm?’. A good goal will result in a thriving brainstorm. This goal contains the following things:

  • Make sure that your goal is clear and motivating, for yourself and for the brainstorming participants;

  • Try to challenge yourself in setting a goal. Set a goal that you can touch, but have to work hard for; 

STEP 2: Compose the perfect brainstorm group.
Think about the people you want to invite, ensure an optimal composition of your group. In an ideal situation:

  • People with a positive and open attitude;

  • Participants with the ability to be critical;

  • Experts of the subject;

  • Stakeholders;

  • Outsiders with a fresh look at the brainstorming question.

  • Involve everyone from the organisation that has to deal with the brainstorming subject. Accept Mission can step in as the perfect tool avoiding the constant struggle of getting everyone in to one brainstorming meeting.

STEP 3: Notify your participants.
Send a pre-invite to you users to make them aware of the mission that is coming. You can pre-invite your desired participants verbally, but also with an email, which is sent from your personal and recognised email address. 

STEP 4: Support is there for you.
Make sure that you ask for support with any question you have. We have different communication channels where you can contact us, those channels are:

  • Intercom support chat in the Accept Mission application; (Green smiley in the bottom right corner)

  • Take a look at our support articles here.

  • You can respond to all mail you receive from Accept Mission.

Take a look at this support article to see how you can create a successful mission.

Good luck with preparing your mission, remember: be sure to contact us!

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